Tag Archives: Quote of the day

Life’s purpose

“Life’s purpose and the perfect rice cooker have similarities. A rice cooker can boil other dishes but it is bought because it is best at cooking rice besides other things it can do. There may be other rice cookers out there, yet, you bought the one you have in your kitchen because it shined to you. It just fit.

You have been using it all this time and for years because it has been fulfilling it’s key purpose of boiling rice to your satisfaction. The rice cooker that does not know it is a rice cooker, or one that thinks it is a potato boiler will simply never be good enough. Just like this, we all shine when we know, understand, and work at our life’s purpose. Find it, focus on it, work at it.”

~ Analogy by Sandra Chukwudumebi Obiora. All rights reserved © Continue reading Life’s purpose

Robbing Stars

”I will kill forA little drop of your good love.I will rob and steal starsTo keep it lit up in your world.The alphabet only needs U and S.‘Cause all we’ll ever need is us.I will kill, for a little drop of your good love. I will go animal to keep you next to me.”

~ Extract from ‘Kill for Your Love’ by Labrinth 

Pebble Trouble

“A Small trouble is like a pebble. Hold it too close to your eye and it fills the whole world and puts everything out of focus. Hold it at a proper distance and it can be examined and properly classified. Throw it at your feet and it can be seen in its true setting, just one more tiny bump on the pathway of life.”

~ Celia Luce

Waging Peace!

“The real champions are not always those who wage war, or those who pick up arms and go forth to battle in order that they be heard.

The true champions are those who with all their heart wage peace. Those ones that battle their circumstances, their inner demons, and overcome with the weapons of their minds. No blood shed. No love lost. They take the highest road.”

~ Sandra C. Obiora


“At some point, we come to recognize that adulthood is not about the freedom to do and undo as we please. Rather, adulthood is a call to realization.

Realizing that your decisions now can affect a hundred generations ahead of you. Realizing that your habits now can seep into your blood, and spread across your generational bloodline like wild fire.”

~ Apoetsbrain Original


“At some point, we come to recognize that adulthood is not about the freedom to do and undo as we please. Rather, adulthood is a call to realization.

Realizing that your decisions now can affect a hundred generations ahead of you. Realizing that your habits now can seep into your blood, and spread across your generational bloodline like wild fire.”

~ Apoetsbrain Original

If You Need It, Get It

“If you need it, and you can get it, get it. If you simply want it but do not need it, think more about how useful that thing will be to your overall advancement as a person spiritually, physically, socially, psychologically, intellectually. Also, it is really okay to treat yourself from time to time when you have been successful. The trick however is to first achieve something so tangible for which you cannot help but reward yourself even a little bit.”

~ Financial advice by Sandra C. Obiora