Tag Archives: Life's purpose

Life’s purpose

“Life’s purpose and the perfect rice cooker have similarities. A rice cooker can boil other dishes but it is bought because it is best at cooking rice besides other things it can do. There may be other rice cookers out there, yet, you bought the one you have in your kitchen because it shined to you. It just fit.

You have been using it all this time and for years because it has been fulfilling it’s key purpose of boiling rice to your satisfaction. The rice cooker that does not know it is a rice cooker, or one that thinks it is a potato boiler will simply never be good enough. Just like this, we all shine when we know, understand, and work at our life’s purpose. Find it, focus on it, work at it.”

~ Analogy by Sandra Chukwudumebi Obiora. All rights reserved © Continue reading Life’s purpose