Abuse & Manipulation

A Write-up by Humphery Adun 2018 ©

Humans are relational beings; and thus, we owe our existence to the ability to cultivate relationships that sustain our mental, physical, emotional and psychological tranquility. In every relationship, there are roles played by each correspondence, and these roles are defined by several factors; age, position, class, family, culture, spirituality, and tradition. This plays out in such a way that it creates dominant and subordinate(dependent) individuals in the relationships. Interestingly, as adults we play both roles of being both dependent and dominant at the same time, across different relationships, and thus there is a diffusion of a learned trait from a relationship circle to another one; and this goes on and on, creating a tangle of relationship traits. Continue reading Abuse & Manipulation

Language Lover

Featured Piece written by Meg Paulsen ©

I know only how to touch
without hands,
and therein lies the catch:
I’m holding a face I cannot speak to,
tracing a tongue that cannot receive
the gold I grow on my lips
nor taste you in the names I give it. Continue reading Language Lover